"Double Agents: Geithner & Holder"

(McConnell and Wall Street couldn't do it without them)

It won't be his support for gay marriage that costs him his job,
Or eating Dow's poison 2,4-D corn on the cob,
But those two double agents of the Republican mob,
Who pledge their allegiance to Wall Street, yessireebob.

Bob Carlson

To 'Team of Mascots'
To 'Lobby E-Mails Show Depth of Obama Ties to Drug Industry'
To 'Avaricious Drugmakers Verses'
To 'Geithner’s World, Part 1: Three Years of Immunity for Bad Bankers'
To 'Why Can't Obama Bring Wall Street to Justice?'
To 'Sec. Geithner: Make Rove Pay Up'
To 'Obama's Republican Economy Verses'
To 'Timid Timmy Geithner Verses'