Duped By "Due Diligence"
(Wall Street's and Geithner's)

Do traders design, build or sell something tangible?
Under what rubric do they earn their keep?
They gamble and speculate with shareholder money
At temples of finance where they're fleecing the sheep

Most Wall Street temples are merely casinos
Designed to expropriate their customers' wealth.
They're peddling mysterious investment products
That lack a due diligence clean bill of health?

If their dice were loaded, would you want to shoot craps?
If their cards were marked would you play twenty-one?
Yet some let their pension funds gamble with Goldman
While Geithner plays footsie with each smoking gun.

When Geithner retires (is fired or deposed),
To which bank casino will he gravitate?
Whichever it is, Morgan Stanley or Goldman,
Should be the next gambling den we exterminate.

We're paying Timmy to be our country's treasurer.
Yet who's not convinced he's in Wall Street's employ?
Tim's still too chummy with our Wall Street enemies –
Their machinations are Tim's greatest joy.

Bob Carlson
On Twitter @PBoondoggles

To 'What Good Is Wall Street?'
To 'Obama Appoints Geithner, Lew to Negotiate on Tax Cuts'
To 'Wall Street's Timid Tim Geithner'
To 'Goldman Sachs'
