Obama's Gulf War –
ED In The Gulf?
EPA's Lisa Jackson's not saying

What's going to happen to sex on the Gulf Coast?
When will Lubchenco start showing concern?
It's the long term effects of Light Crude and Corexit.
Does what starts as an itch become a slow burn?

The EPA's testing has started with turtles
So there's no way Ms. Jackson can let turtles know
How severe their long-term reactions will be
Till the rashes and lesions have begun to show.

Sure, she's hoping they won't, but look when she started,
Though her tests are on turtles, not on regular folks.
So what have you heard? She's been pretty close-mouthed.
Has she said how Corexit affects turtle yolks?

And what of the rumors concerning ED?
Has the Gulf Coast supply of Viagra been cornered?
Who knows if a six-year supply is sufficient?
How else are those so exposed to be honored?

So how many girlfriends and wives will be eager
To have their men folk re-exposed by BP?
And who'll warn these turtles future BP disasters
Could be followed by several years of ED?

Bob Carlson

To "Next worry is health of cleanup workers'
To "What lies in the Gulf Coast's future after the oil spill?'
To 'The Vineyard's Jane Lubchenco' verse
To 'Hey EPA: How Are Those Dispersant Tests Going?'
To 'EPA's Lisa Jackson'
To 'Lubchenco: All clear'
To 'British Petroleum Incompetence'