Obama's Gulf War –
EPA Dispersants
vs. Dawn

Are all White House dishes washed in Corexit?
Does EPA's Jackson prefer it to Dawn?
If it's as safe as Browner is claiming,
Why not tell BP to just pour it on?

Add a fresh lemon scent. How could Jindal complain?
Let his children swim in it and enjoy how they smell.
Not only that, it is biodegradable
Serve it on ev'rything. Lose weight as well.

Why swap his marshes for big piles of rocks?
Who's to say pelicans won't side with Browner?
Lemony suds for beaches and marshes
Beat big slimy stones – a pelican downer.

The EPA needs to anticipate problems.
Will they again be caught playing for time?
Why not start testing whose lemony scent
Best covers the stench of Jindal's rock slime?

Bob Carlson

To 'EPA scolds BP in Gulf oil spill:
       dispersant is too toxic, change it'

To 'Hey EPA: How Are Those Dispersant Tests Going?'
To 'Louisiana and Scientists Spar Over How to Stop Oil'
To 'British Petoleum Imcompetence'
To 'EPA's Jackson'