Eric Cantor's Noise
(Another Republican voucher plan)

Loudmouthed, despicable, offensive as always,
Cantor's determined to sound like one of the boys
Who truly believes in family values,
But he can't. All Cantor spouts is the same bunch of noise.

For Anthony Weiner's no Republican TWEETIE,
He's no David Vitter, the prostitute's John,
Who Cantor defends for frequenting whores.
It's a Republican perk, merely getting it on.

Hypocrite? Yes! What will he tell his children?
"How lucky Dad was that he never got caught"?
Or that " paying for sex, like Dave Vitter has,
Prob'ly beats photo TWEETING by a long shot"?

Has Cantor's role morphed into a G.O.P. pimp's?
Does he have ties to a particular madam?
He does seem to show up a day or two later
To pontificate after his pals have had at 'em.

Yet in the meantime he's busy preparing
A secret addendum to Paul Ryan's plan:
Vouchers for sex for members of Congress.
But can he switch Grover from catch-as-catch-can?

Bob Carlson
On Twitter @PBoondoggles

To 'Among GOP, anti-tax orthodoxy runs deep'
To 'Republicans Calling For Anthony Weiner Resignation
       Backed David Vitter's Reelection'

To 'Grover Norquist's Victims' Verses'
To 'Ryan's Vouchers End Medicare Verses'
To 'Congressional Nutjob Verses'
To 'Eric Cantor's Noise Verses'
To 'Dave Vitter, Whoremonger' Verses'
