Extending Mitch's Career Vacation
(Or is he still AWOL?)

And we thought McConnell was only concerned
With seeing Obama and his policies fail.
That's what old Mitch has repeatedly said
As he's pressured his party to keep dragging its tail.

"Always say 'No' to whatever's proposed…
Just sit on your butts and do nothing at all…"
McConnell was always the kind of a 'leader'
Who as far as accomplishments was always AWOL.

Now he's proposing another year and a half
Of allowing Obama to go it alone
By raising debt limits and fighting Bush deficits,
If he'll take the 'credit' and cast the first stone.

How much longer will Mitch be allowed to say 'No'?
Who'll buy his excuse that he's taken "The Pledge"?
Can Grover protect him from right-wing extremists
Or will Wingnuts like Cantor push him over the edge,

Making it advantageous for Mitch to resign,
Increasing the number of jobless by one?
Unless The Oath Keeper Militia can find him.
Then his future's a function of how fast he can run.

Bob Carlson
On Twitter @PBoondoggles

To 'Top Democrats laud GOP debt-limit move'
To 'Oath Keepers and the Age of Treason'
To 'Nanny Norquist's No-Tax Pledge Verses'
To 'Eric Cantor's Noise Verses'
To 'Mitch Just-Say-No McConnell Verses'
