First Catch Grannies Nappin'
Must Aetna discriminate to make a buck?

What can Obama do to rescue health care?
Eliminate sexism where he can,
And a perfect place to start is with prejudiced insurers,
Like for instance Aetna's profit plan:
    "First catch Grannies nappin',
        but keep Grampaws in."

Should Aetna drop most Grannies in the morning?
They're wide awake much later in the day.
Is it fair to catch them without warning
To tell them they no longer need to pay?
    "First catch Grannies nappin',
        but keep Grampaws in."

At Granny's age she needs too much attention.
There's way too many things that can go wrong.
Many more that actuaries mention
In deciding Granny won't be 'round for long.
    "First catch Grannies nappin',
        but keep Grampaws in."

For the cost to care for Grannies until then
Is more than Aetna's owners "ought" to pay.
These actuaries make up Palin's Panel
So their decision is, of course, 'no way'
.     "First catch Grannies nappin',
        but keep Grampaws in."

If Aetna's dropped your Granny's health insurance –
Some say these vultures cater to the young,
Obama's public health plan's what is needed
And not more Aetna speaking with forked tongue:
    "First catch Grannies nappin',
        but keep Grampaws in."

Aetna brags they didn't drop your Grampaw,
Nor did they know that he's the one who smoked,
And they wouldn't still be charging for his coverage,
But no one ever noted Grampaw croaked.
    "First catch Grannies nappin',
        but keep Grampaws in."

Bob Carlson
with a nod of thanks to Leonard Cohen

To 'Private Health Insurers'