From Chicken To Lame Duck - I
(Obama's brownie points won't count)

The game changer we voted for's chickening out.
Why won't he prosecute Bushie's bad boys?
Why just a slap on the wrist for Mozillo,
Godfather of Wall Street's sub-prime foreclosure ploys?

Kenny Lay was convicted and sentenced to spend
Most of the rest of his life in the slammer.
Whereas Angie Mozillo was fined a small fraction
Of the millions he scammed as a topnotch flimflammer.

As usual Obama doesn't wish to upset
The financial idiots he should put in jail,
Starting with Geithner, Bernanke and Summers
And the other officials who still are for sale.

No one believes that Obama's accomplished
Much in the way of reforming the banks.
They've simply grown bigger and continue to gamble,
Letting interns decide which "lucky" borrower tanks

Prosecution is not in Barack's bag of tricks.
Crooks such as Berger overbill and get off scot-free.
Wait till Republicans take over Congress.
He'll see how forgiving "Darth Vadar" will be.

Those brownie points Obama thought he was earning
Each time he let Mitch Just-Say-No off the hook?
Well, Mitch and his aides will claim they got lost
And aren't in their "Don't Blame the Lame Duck, Baby" book.

Bob Carlson
On Twitter @PBoondoggles

To 'What Happened to Change We Can Believe In?'
To 'The effects of Obama's refusal to investigate Bush crimes'
To 'Long Battle by Foes of Campaign Finance Rules Shifts Landscape'
To 'Companies that received bailout money giving generously to candidates'
To 'Lame Duck Obama'
To 'Mitch Just-Say-No'
To 'Louis Berger Fraud'