From Gingrich to Ryan to…
(Passing it on)

It was nineteen hundred and ninety-five
That hardly a man who's now alive can't recall.
An overblown version of Congressman Ryan
Shut down the government and screwed us all.

Entitlement checks weren't being written.
Retirement and pension checks? Things of the past.
The verdict outrageous! No wonder Newt Gingrich
With his bluster and bombast found he couldn't last.

But Boehner and Cantor have have slipped us a mickey
Giving Congressman Ryan budgetary control
To be a new " Gingrich" and shut down the government
While they both deny any kind of a role.

It wasn't their doing though they called for it too.
That way it's the fault of the Tea Party kid.
He'd voted "Increase it" two times before.
No way could they know he would do what he did?

Let's hope none our troops in Afghanistan
Weren't counting on us for more bullets and guns.
No cash for Mubarak? He's out on his keister.
Air controllers unpaid? Does Ryan fly? No he runs.

No healthcare for Congress? They're dropping like flies.
Will Bachmann at last get the chair she desires?
Pray to God that someone will dare intervene
So Batty Bachmann is left kicking the tires.

Bob Carlson
On Twitter @PBoondoggles

To 'The Tea Party Wags the Dog'
To 'Gates Says Budget Impasse Threatens Readiness'
To 'Paul Ryan, Supervillain'
To 'Batty Bachmann'
To 'Hell No John Boehner'
To 'Just Plain Nutjobs'
To 'Newt Gingrich's Sideshow Verses'
