"Fugue For Horny Generals"

(Lining them up for current and former four stars)
(With some lyrical tips from Frank Loesser's Guys and Dolls)

We got a Paula here,
Seemed somewhat sincere.
Needs an overseer
But's got a lovely rear.
Can do___ Can do___
Sergeants say this babe can do___
Forget about her spouse and kids,
And any other bids___
Ignore the competish.
That is not her dish.
Must be___ Must be___
The one___ The one___
But then, ten-hut,
Enjoy the fun.
Can do___ Can do___
What they say this gal can do.
That's this Paula here___ Right here___
What, she bit his ear?
Oh, dear…

This here Jill is next,
Looks like she's oversexed.
Has done___ Has done___
Oh, what they say she's done___
Could be___ Could be___
Could be she likes to share the fun.
No way___ No way___
To know how many in a day.
This here Jill is next,
If you read her text,
You'll know she's oversexed___
You next?

Wantcha to meet Sal,
A lovely local gal.
She's a real time bomb
For your own wigwam.
She did___ She did___
How ya think she got the kid?
She does___ She does___
Yours will be the week that was!
Any other dame?
This one will put to shame.
No PR tours___ No toujours l'amours___
No more insecures___ No socialite: "up yours"___
No photos on the wall for her next costume ball___
Just ice Coors.

Music & Original Lyric by Frank Loesser
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson
11/30/12 - 2/18/13

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     The Aftermath of the David Petraeus Scandal'

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To 'A Frank Loesser Song Book'