Geithner, An American Karzai
Continuing Geithner's lucrative career

Will Tim continue working
    for Goldman and J.P.?
He covets Jamie Dimon's job
    but could end up at Citi

Where gambling expertise is needed.
    We've all seen how they've failed,
And with taxpayer bonuses
    retained the bums we bailed.

So Timmy slyly sets the stage
    to further his career.
Why risk his reputation
    as a lousy overseer?

Why regulate derivatives,
    his source for future profit,
When what he should have done by now
    is wean the bastards off it?

Why has it not occurred to Tim,
    if he bought big banks now,
He'd run them from the Treasury
    instead of some hoosegow?

But until he figures out
    the way the Karzais skim,
Lloyd's lobbyists will still be tasked
    with taking care of Tim.

Bob Carlson

To 'Wall Street's Geithner'
To 'Goldman Sachs'
To 'Why Does Geithner Still Have The Job?'
To 'Obama's 'Volcker Rule' shifts power away from Geithner'