Generals Join The Unemployed?
(No Syrian beauties this time?)

Crisis at the Pentagon! We may not get to go to war.
What the hell is Congress spending all these many billions for?
Top brass everywhere you look, coming out their ears.
Why have we acculated them all these many years?

Must we start retiring them?
There must be someone somewhere
     doing something we don't like.
A tyrant who should be policed?
If not, lots of our generals need to take a hike.

Could we stir things up at home?
But these guys all prefer to roam.
That's what they joined the service for.
It wasn't just to go to war.

Not to sit and ossify, but give new local gals a try,
Young talent easy on the eye.
Perhaps it's time to change their luck.
How 'bout a taste of Peking duck?

Nah, that would be far too ambitious.
Obama's wrong. Let's do pinpricks.
They're easier to instigate.
More places brass can get its kicks.

Bob Carlson

To 'Dempsey: Military Ready to Trim Top Brass, Perks'
To 'Lavish homes for the military’s top brass'
To 'More About Obama's Evil Empire in Rhymed Verse'
To 'The Silent Military Coup That Took Over Washington'
To 'More About Syria's Civil War in Rhymed Verse'