"Generals Playing James Bond"

(Should inspect their blondes very carefully)

He could have drowned in that sub.
The four star general was playing James Bond.
His only crew? A bosomy socialite "blonde".

Well endowed in the front –
Not bad from behind –
To be perfectly blunt,
His buxom blonde was a find.

But it's our duty to mention,
Her outstanding dimension
Was both a boon and a bane.
He was first into the sub,
Hence the glub-a-glub-glub,
For getting her in was a pain.

The hatch was too tight,
And try as they might,
She got stuck a bit over half the way in.
Even so they shoved off,
Laughing it off,
As they were anchors awayin'.

But as a stopper
His blonde came a cropper
For tight as she was they were leakin'.
Though only partially in,
They felt guilty as sin
And they clearly were not cheek-to-cheekin'.

Sadly one of his faults, he
Adamantly dilslikes a falsy,
Or they might not have scuttled the boat.
The moral of course is
Gen'rals stick to your horses
Beware of the buxom,
And aware where one tucks 'em –
Not all of the "buxom" can float.

Bob Carlson

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