Give Aways?
Et tu, Timmy?

Will Geithner give the game away
    the same way Paulson did?
Or will he make the public pay
    with some outlandish bid

For toxic assets that accrued
    while he and Greenspan watched,
Igmoring indications that
    their jobs were being botched?

As regulators they both failed,
    though neither has confessed.
They'd rather spend our billions
    feathering some vulture's nest.

Tim hopes to keep his banks afloat
    till penny dividends are paid –
Mementos of these CEOs
    who needed Greenspan's aid.

Bob Carlson

To 'Bush League Bankers'
To 'Bushie's Economic Meltdown'
To 'Obama's Stimuli'
To 'Timid Timmy Geithner'