Give Back Your Pork
Sung to the Frank Loesser tune
"Take Back Your Mink"

You did your budget cut
   thing and we know
Pork wasn't among those
   you chose to forego.
Now that Rove's FEMA
   needs funds for relief,
Your plans to finance it
   will give us more grief.
You'll try cutting taxes
   to favor the rich,
And retire with your pensions
   Inspiring our bitch:

"Give back your pork.
Give back that bridge.
Damn you, re-cork,
And give back a smidge.

"Give back your perks
Your trips and free lunch.
We'll find more jerks,
Better'n your bunch.

"You think that is going to be
   hard to arrange?
Well, you're due for a heck of a shock.
There's millions more like us
   who'd favor a change,
Who'd love to clean Congress's clock.

"So give back those minks
They bought for your spouse.
The thought of them stinks
Up the Senate and House.

"Don't be a dork –
Assist refugees
By giving back pork
And not learning Chinese."

Music & Original Lyric by Frank Loesser
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Bushie's Congress'
To 'Bushie's Lobbyists'
To 'Domestic Disasters'