Obama's Gulf War –
Goblins, Fairies And Brownies
Yes, that Lord Brownie again

Our Goblins are funding corrupt Karzai kinfolk.
At the same time the Brits are applauding BP
By promoting BP's most notorious Brownie.
It's a tossup for dumb, for sheer stupidity.

Such foolish maneuvers have grave ramifications –
Do they expect magic from brownies and fairies?
Look what their Brownie has done to our Gulf
Using Hayward and Dudley as his emissaries.

They've lied from the start about how much they're spilling,
Refusing to use their new measuring device,
Refusing to bring in fleets of big skimmers,
Following Brownie's cost saving advice.

Why'd Cameron's laddies appoint this same Brownie?
So he'll do to Whitehall what he's done to BP?
How sad to see Buckingham Palace abandoned
With Fergie what's left of the Brit royalty.

Bob Carlson

To 'British Petoleum Imcompetence'
To 'Why Is BP's Former Boss a U.K. Hero?'
To 'BP: The Worst Safety and Environmental Record'
To 'July Fourth Outrage: British Gov't Elevates Disgraced BP Boss'
To 'In 2008, BP Touted New Tech To Measure Oil Flow'
To 'U.S. and BP slow to accept Dutch expertise'
To 'Karzai aides are derailing corruption cases involving elite'