GOP Religious (Sexual) "Freedom"

To be sung to the Cole Porter tune
"I've Come To Wive It Wealthily In Padua"

For Mitt to wive it wealthily in Florida,
Polygamy must be allowed in Florida.
To live a Mormon's dream come true,
To Have sex like they used to do,
Mitt needs to wive it wealthily in Florida.

How can Mitt wive it wealthily in Florida?
He won't care how envious and mad you are.
With Popes controlling contraception
Must Mormon lust be the exception?
Mitt needs to wive it wealthily in Florida.

His one percent could wive it wealthily in Florida.
That's why the GOP's moved stealthily to Florida
And Boehner's backing Rick Santorum.
Like either one could get a quorum
And, like Mitt, wive it wealthily in Florida.

They'd love to wive it wealthily in Florida.
But can they wive it wealthily in Florida?
Eric Cantor's so obsessed
With ways to feather his own nest
So only Jews can wive it wealthily in Florida.

Who else can wive it wealthily in Florida
While contraconceiving stealthily in Florida?
Rick Santorum's hands are tied.
The Pope will have him crucifed
If all his wives do not conceive in Florida.

Music & Original Lyric by Cole Porter
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Tales From the Kitchen Table' By GAIL COLLINS
To 'The Battle Behind the Fight' By GAIL COLLINS
To 'The Evolution of Birth Control'
To 'Slick Willy Romney'
To 'Pope Santorum'
To 'A Cole Porter Songbook'