Grover's Letting Arizona Burn
(Why hasn't he used his power to put out the fires?)

Who put the curse on northeast Arizona
Who decided to show them their state's inhumane
In passing those laws attacking poor immigrants?
Has Grover conned Arizona? "No pain, no gain."

Who gave those wild fires such a generous start?
Who gave Arizona more heat with no rain?
How'd Inhofe miss all the clues he was given?
Couldn't he see Grover was still conning Cain?

Without Grover's assistance can they fight those fires?
With no taxpayer pain, then auf Wiedersehen.
But Grover is stubborn; some say melodramatic.
Has he backed off to prove something to Cain?

Now it looks like Ken Lay has been reincarnated.
This fire and brimstone is Ken's kind of terrain.
But will Grover deny all responsibility
And lay all the blame on Jim Inhofe and Cain?

Bob Carlson
On Twitter @PBoondoggles

To 'High winds threaten to blow wildfires across Arizona'
To 'Arizona's Mayhem' Verses'
To 'Herman Cain's Enron-esque Disaster'
To 'Grover Norquist, the Enforcer'
To 'Among GOP, anti-tax orthodoxy runs deep'
To 'Grover Norquist's Victims' Verses'
To 'Inhofe's Climate Changes: Tornado, Fire & Flood' Verses'
To 'Enron's Lay, Skilling guilty on nearly all counts'
