Guillotine Needed
("Dull, but extra heavy")

Will it be a sharp or dull instrument that decapitates Blunt?
Dull seems more appropriate, but will it do the job?
His Missouri Floodway Boondoggle ranks right up there
With Monsanto's new introduction, "corn-with-no-cob".

Boondoggles both, if you buy Federal Insurance
And then plant their seed on land you know will flood
How will you ever be able to prove
That their "corn-with-no-cob" was an expensive dud?

Perpetrated by Monsanto and Senator Blunt
That sure as hell justifies his decapitation
As the only recourse that seems to remain
To protect us from Blunt Stunts, and safeguard the nation.

Bob Carlson

To 'Blunt plays hardball to defend wasteful Missouri pork spending
To 'After Birds Point: The Army Corps’ Missouri Floodway Boondoggle
To 'Blunt vs. McCarthy
To 'Senator Vitter Does Polluters’ Bidding in Boycotting
     Gina McCarthy’s Confirmation to Head EPA

To 'Republicans Stage Boycott
     of Obama EPA Nominee Gina McCarthy

To 'More That Dullard Blunt in Rhymed Verse'
To 'More Monsanto Plays God in Rhymed Verse'