Health Insurance Rescission
Your medical underwriter and you

Has your insurance underwriter
    ever tried to stay in touch?
Has he asked you how you are
    to see when you'll be going Dutch?

How happy is he that you've paid
    but never had a claim?
Nor pre-existing ailment
    on which he needs to lay the blame?

But when an illness indicates
    your bills will be substantial,
His bonus hinges on it being
    more than circumstantal.

He needs to claim you knew about it
    long before he did.
In which case your policy
    is one on which they'd never bid.

You're healthy? You're both happy.
    You're sick? He cancels! You're not nearly so,
As you think of all the women
    who'd have helped you blow that dough…

Bob Carlson

To Private Health Insurers
To 'DeMint offers a teachable moment'