Held Hostage By Banks
(And ICE Trust's Congressional Covens)

How long will the nation be held hostage by banks,
Like the nine on the board of ICE Trust
The nine who're controlling derivative trades
And won't let competitors share in their lust?

They're colluding to keep their competitors out
The way market makers in NASDAQ stocks did
Back in the nineties to protect their own profits
And make sure that buyers of swaps overbid.

Transparency and competition could cause
Trading costs to drop way below what they are
And banks too big to fail to become a lot smaller
With far less support for the Witch Cookie Jar.

Cantor, McCarthy, Spencer Bachus and Lucas
Might reconsider their plans for the coven
As more and more witches run afoul of the law
And dough boys suddenly cut down on their lovin'.

Why allow banks to keep spending TARP billions
To squash any possible Swap competition?
Why pay rating agencies for undeserved ratings
If the undeserved profits can't pay a witch's commission?

The ICE Trust Board of Directors agrees.
It's withdrawn its Swaps Clearinghouse application
And has till July to convince all of Congress
That, like Cantor's Coven, they'll love their compensation.

Bob Carlson
On Twitter @PBoondoggles

To 'A Secretive Banking Elite Rules Trading in Derivatives'
To 'Facing WikiLeaks Threat, B of A Plays Defense'
To 'How to Derail Financial Reform'
To 'The Witch Is Baaaack!'
To 'Justice Department Seeks Tougher Derivatives Rules'
To 'Derivatives Clearing Group Decides Against Registration'
To 'ICE Trust Derivatives'
To 'Politicians For Sale'
