Hell, No
(Another Ken Starr?)

Who will be 'Hell, No' John Boehner's Ken Starr?
Would Carl Paladino's name be a surprise?
Orange bat, orange POTUS (John is third in line.)
But who will Carl blame for Vince Foster's demise?

Carl Paladino did say he'd be back,
And he had a big stick – a weird bat – to prove it.
Why was his bat orange if he didn't intend
To be Ken Starr's successor, a demented old twit?

What other changes can 'Hell, No' John bring about?
For eighteen long years he's had the same facial hue,
And whenever a POTUS threatens a veto,
He straightens his hair piece and shouts, "To Hell with you."

Does that automatically mean his agenda
Will bring us the changes that we hunger for?
Not till the day that Obama discovers
That compromise is often best left on the cutting room floor.

If Obama and his Blue Dogs had stuck to their guns
And not always caved in to the Just-Say-No boys,
Carl Paladino would have stayed in the minors
And not become one of the Chamber's decoys.

Bob Carlson
On Twitter @PBoondoggles

To 'Fiery Boehner: 'Hell no you can't!''
To 'Republican Party Time'
To 'Bill Clinton's nemesis'
To 'Vince Foster's Suicide'
To 'Paladino concedes, brandishes orange bat'
To 'Blue Dog Democrats'
To 'Lame Duck Obama'
To 'U.S. Chamber of Commerce Money Launderes'
To 'Hell, No' John Boehner'
