Hell No, We Won't Go
(Republican do-nothings balk at attending Obama's jobs speech)

"Hell no, we won't go. He'll want us to pass bills,
To do something constructive to earn our keep."
So sayeth DeMint and his fellow do-nothings,
Playing their roles as their nanny's black sheep.

Their souls have been pledged to their Nanny Norquist.
How else can they show that they don't give a damn
About anything other than their own ideology?
'Folks out of work' sounds to them like a scam.

Why should they worry as long as they've theirs?
Tea Party extremists think they're doing good.
To hell with the nation and everyone else
If they con a few kindred pals from the old neighborhood.

So did some of them show but refuse to applaud?
No way can a do-nothing be forced to clap.
Unless the fine print in their nanny pledge
Calls for a hypocritical backslap.

Bob Carlson
On Twitter @PBoondoggles

To 'SC Sen. Jim DeMint Likely To Skip Obama’s Job Speech'
To 'Nanny Norquist's Congressional Pledglings Verses'
To 'Nanny Norquist's No-Tax Pledge Verses'
To 'They Messed With Texas'
