Herman Cain's Enron
(His Aquila employees lost, sued and won $10.5M back)

Charismatic compared to Pawlenty and Romney?
How hard can that be for a con man like Cain?
Check out his record on the board of Aquila.
How many retiree accounts did Cain drain?

As chair of Aquila's compensation committee
He encouraged employees to invest in its stock,
Then shifted its business to energy trading.
Speculating like Enron, its stock dropped like a rock.

Millions in retirement accounts were wiped out
When ninety percent of Aquila's stock value was lost.
In one year alone he lost one hundred million.
Looks like Herman's charisma has come at a cost.

How strange that his "bio" in the Washington Post
Makes no mention at all of those Aquila bum steers
That cost Cain and Aquila ten million to settle.
Should we expect Cain to have more vintage years?

Bob Carlson
On Twitter @PBoondoggles

To 'Herman Cain's Enron-esque Disaster'
To 'Just who is Herman Cain?
       And what does his presidential run mean for the GOP?'

To 'Long Ties to Koch Brothers Key to Cain's Campaign'
To '2012 G.O.P. Circus Verses'
