I May Be Dumb
Being sung by John McCain to the tune
"I May Be Wrong"
(I may be wrong, but I think you're wonderful)

Can't use my bio.
My years as a vet
Have been spent covering up
A maverick ego,
The Admiral's pet,
And the time I spent whooping it up.

I may be dumb, but
I could be President.
You ask how come? Well,
How the Hell should I know?

I may act dumb, or
Senile and hesitant.
Old demon rum took
It's toll long ago.

I partied hard in the service –
Very nearly washed out.
You think that made me nervous?
Not with my Daddy's clout!

I may look dumb, but,
For Vice President,
I'd pick my chum,
Paul Wolfowitz –
How's that for dumb?

Music by Henry Sullivan
Original Lyric by Harry Ruskin
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'McCain's Military Experience'
To 'McCain's Voting Ploys'