Inflating Drug Prices
While we mountebanks still can

Health care reform does not preclude
    the sneakiest of vices
Before agreeing to a sale,
    we simply raise our prices.

Our research costs have not gone up;
    our labor costs are down.
Remember how New London thought
    that Pfizer'd stay in town?

It's in AMA DNA
    and what insurers do
With doctors who'll raise copays
    while their hand's up your kazoo.

Desperate proctologists,
    we aren't; but what we are,
Raises questions as to who'll
    control the cookie jar.

Bob Carlson

To 'Avaricious Drugmakers
To 'The Drug Industry Cashes In'
To 'Drug Makers Raise Prices
     in Face of Health Care Reform'

To 'Lobby E-Mails Show Depth
     of Obama Ties to Drug Industry'