Isn't Heidi A Little Bit Worried?
(After voting "No" on Gun Control?)

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Follow Heidi Heitkamp through the Gates of Hell.
Voting "No" in the Senate on Gun Background Checks,
Heidi loves those mass killings from what we can tell.

Why else would she vote for the mentally ill
To be able to buy weapons and kill, kill, kill, kill?
Should we include Heidi in that category?
Unhappy unless a shooting's particularly gory?

Enjoy your brief stay in the Congress, Ms. Heitkamp.
Wear bulletproof undies and hire a good bodyguard.
If you are lucky, you won't leave D.C. feet first.
City life's dangerous with guns in every yard.

Who's protecting your family back in North Dakota?
Let's hope that your websites don't show where you live.
You've done what Wayne LaPierre asked you to do
But don't you ever wonder how many lives you have to give?

What is the range of Obama's robotic air force?
How far from the White House to North Dakota as a drone flies?
Rant Paul has OK'd killing by domestic drones,
So how does one guard against death from the skies?

Bob Carlson

To 'These Are The Senators Who Voted
     Against Expanded Background Checks
     And How To Contact Them'

To 'Rand Paul reverses position, supports drone killings
     of American citizens on American soil'

To 'Patrick Leahy To Chuck Grassley: Don't 'Exploit' Boston Bombing'
To 'How The NRA Impeded The Boston Bomber Investigation'
To 'The Real Terrorists Are The Corporate Execs
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To 'No Sweetheart Deal for BP'
To 'What A Difference One Senator Makes:
     Scott Brown v. Elizabeth Warren'

To 'More What's In It For Us Politicians in Rhymed Verse'