It's His Economists, SCOTUS
( Geithner, going, going, gone? Nope…)

SCOTUS ruled its attack dog, Justice Thomas's wife,
Must belittle Obama and all he has done.
His problem had been a few weenie Democrats,
Who believe something's over before it's begun.

He's well rid of Summers, but what about Geithner?
Tim screwed up at the Fed, and he has ever since.
He "regulates" Wall Street over lunch at Delmonico's.
He's not just their handmaiden, he's Wall Street's clown prince.

What's Timmy's take on foreclosure relief?
He's said that he's "comfortable with what's been spent."
One quarter of all of the millions available?
No wonder he hasn't made much of a dent.

Too little too late? Who cares? Why rock the boat
As long as big bonuses aren't put at risk?
Foreclosure fraud? "It's a paperwork problem."
Let's get back to foreclosing. Make sure business is brisk.

And if Ginni weren't linked to some right wing insurgents,
Obama's economists might stand a chance.
But all her militias are armed and rebellious.
Pray they shoot at his feet and that he can dance.

Bob Carlson
On Twitter @PBoondoggles

To 'Elizabeth Warren Grills Geithner,
       Criticizes Treasuries Foreclosure Program'

To 'The Battle Cry of a Supreme Court Wife'
To 'SCOTUS: Supreme Court of the United States'
To 'Ginni Thomas's SCOTUS Lobby'
To 'Group Allied With Ginni Thomas’ Think Tank
       Threatens Armed Insurrection'

To 'Scalia's Court'
To 'Wall Street's Timid Tim'