Joe's Funny That Way
Being sung by John McCain to the tune
"She's Funny That Way"
(I'm not much to look at, nothing to see…)

I'm old as Methethusalah,
Lucky to be.
So why'm I running against Huckabee?
A bug up my behind keeps bothering me –
Joe's funny that way.

I ran out of dollars;
Campaign dough spent.
My budget's like Bushie's.
Who knows where it went?
But a bug up my behind keeps bothering me –
Joe's funny that way.

Supposin' despite Bushie's war I beat Huckabee,
My choice for VP can't appear much younger than me.

So how about Lieberman?
He looks half dead –
My "Cheney" insurance –
It's him that they'd dread,
That bug up my behind that's bothering me –
Joe's funny that way.

Music by Neil Moret
Original Lyric by Richard Whiting
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'McCain's Voting Ploys'