Just Slick Willy's Mittspeaking Thing

To be sung to the Cole Porter tune
"Just One Of Those Things"

As Willard Mitt Romney explains, "I mittspoke –
It's no switch."
All this comes after he complains, "It's a joke."
What a bitch, backing the rich:
As Donald Trump wishes Slick Willy well,
He makes Obama a much easier sell.
As Ari Fleischer picks a Komen VP,
He makes sure rightwing extremists agree.

Mittspeak is catching on fast,
Leaving its listeners aghast,
Reveaing to all who's half-assed.
But will mittspeaking transparency last?

Mittspeak may win primary fights
Assuring the rich that the poor have no rights
Yet it's harder and harder to flip-flop mittspeak.
Video shows what was said tongue in cheek.

If Mitt stops to think
Of how big a stink
Mittspeaking raises each time,
Will he call it quits,
Finding mittspeak's the pits,
And then run again as a mime?

So goodbye, hundreds of mill,
Though he's cost less than BP's Gulf spill,
It's been great fun
And to Willard mittspeaking's a fling.

Music & Original Lyric by Cole Porter
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Slick Willy Romney'
To 'A Cole Porter Songbook'