Let Them Secede
(With their own idiotology)

Nullify Lincoln. He made a mistake.
Protect us from Cruz, Graham and Rubio.
"Please save our children from backwards conservatives.
Contribute three dollars to get them to go."

Why hesitate to let the South and midWest secede?
With their own idiotology, just let them go.
Why let them hurt anyone but themselves
With whatever it is that they think that they know?

No climate change despite what scienists find?
The world was created in only a week?
Denigrate Muslims whereever they find them?
Whatever happened to the other cheek?

Sure, we'd lose South Carolina, it's cotton mouths and fire ants
But not need more Heritage Foundations to accomodate loudmouths
Like DeMint and Graham and now Mark Sanford.
Farewell to the blusters and infamous rants.

No more dodgy tactics like boycotting the appointment
Of an EPA boss who could stymie Big Oil
In its attempts to make the Koch Brothers richer
While letting diluted bitumin spoil midwestern soil.

Ever try to grow soy beans or Monsanto corn
In soil laced with Roundup and diluted bitumin?
You might as well try in any of Walmart's busiest parking lots
Or that of a Pritzker impacted older Holiday Inn.

Bob Carlson

To 'Secession: A Cure for America '
To 'Republican boycott stalls vote on EPA nominee Gina McCarthy'
To 'More What's In It For Us Politicians in Rhymed Verse'