"Lindsey Graham "Threatens""

(Or is that Lindsay Lohan?)

He's played a bit part in D.C..
The question's why they've let him be,
With opinions that nobody wants
Except for his sisters and his cousins and his aunts!
He won't forget those sisters and those cousins and those aunts…

Even for a Senator he's uninformed,
When is he scheduled to be chloroformed
With those GMO cops of DuPonts?
Despite the entreaties of his sisters and his cousins and his aunts?
Don't forget those sisters and those cousins and those aunts…

Look how he's gotten McCained.
Why couldn't he have abstained
And ignored Cantor's Tea Party taunts?
Did he listen to his sisters and his cousins and his aunts,
His well invested sisters and his cousins and his aunts?

Why didn't he find out Susan Rice
Was intending to use loaded dice
To approve of the pipeline she wants
Along with his sisters and his cousins and his aunts,
His tarsands owning sisters and his cousins and his aunts…

How fortunate it's gotta be
To have a big, or small, cheese in D.C.
And be one of its sisters and its cousins and its aunts!

But apparently Chck Hagel's not a "cousin…"

Bob Carlson
12/3/12 - 2/13/13

To 'Reid challenges GOP to filibuster Hagel nomination for Pentagon'
To 'Reid's Filibuster Reform Didn't Stop His Filibuster 'Shame'
To 'With an Eye on South Carolina,
     Lindsey Graham Takes Aim at Chuck Hagel'

To 'Five Facts About America’s Pathological Wealth Distribution'
To 'Lindsay Lohan's Weekend: 'Liz and Dick' Sucks'
To 'Susan Rice Keystone XL Attacks Put White House In A Bind'
To 'GMO Cops: Biotech Giant Hires Former Cops to ‘Enforce Patents’'
To 'Is it game over for Grover Norquist?'
To 'Grover Norquist Sees the Fiscal Cliff and Guns It'
To 'US descending into fiscal farce'
To 'Grover Norquist's No-Tax Pledge Verses'
To 'Grover's Pledglings Verses'