Obama's Gulf War –
Lord Brownie's Legacy
An unbridled desire to cut costs

According to BP there's less oil to recover.
Are Taiwanese skimmers that great or what?
And with hundreds of miles of Beach Berm Boondoggles,
The Gulf's perfectly safe. No if, and or but?

But, who is reluctant to restart the flow?
And who is afraid of more oil being lost?
Who dreads the expense of collecting it all
And learning how much this fiasco will cost?

Of course there's no way they can hook up those hoses
The way they had planned if a hurricane hits,
Or have tankers close by to handle the maximum
Quantities captured by a tight cap that fits.

Without those numbers they can argue forever
Over how much they spilled and how much they'll pay.
So how big a bonus will their execs get
For staging an infinite tanker delay?

Bob Carlson

To 'Rift Grows Between Government and BP'
To 'BP Hopes to Keep Gulf Well Closed'
To 'BP dispersant use makes super skimmer ineffective in the Gulf'
To 'Photos show vanishing oil berm'
To 'Sand berms partially political'
To 'In BP’s Record, a History of Boldness and Costly Blunders'
To 'British Petroleum Incompetence'
To 'Why Is BP's Former Boss a U.K. Hero?'