McCain Cautions Maureen About Hillary
Being sung by John McCain to Maureen Dowd to the tune
"Don't Worry 'Bout Me"
(Don't worry 'bout me. I'll get along)

Why worry 'bout me?
I've learned to lie.
Would I toss a few back
With the wife of The Gov?

We'd planned it all so
Few people would know
What the future portends.
Are both of us gay?
It's real hard to say.
You'd best ask our friends.

The game that we play
Has monastic rules.
So when push comes to shove,
We'll deny whom we love
Like a couple of fools.

For each of us brings
To the table such things
As who should be
The new president
And who the VP.

Music by Rube Bloom
Original Lyrics by Ted Koehler
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'McCain's Voting Ploys'