Melissa Bean Concedes
(Farewell Blue Dogs and New Democrats)

Good riddance, Melissa. Your loss is our gain
Let this be a warning to every Blue Dog,
As well as your former New Democrat turncoats:
Political whores may live high on the hog

But not for as long as they'd probably like.
Constituents learn who are false democrats,
Who don't show concern for the middle class voter,
After selling themselves to Goldman's fat cats.

Those AIG bonuses you didn't want taxed?
Did you earn enough points to get a job working there?
Or will your failure to keep that bill from passing
Prevent your becoming a TARP millionaire?

So you failed with that bill, but you helped weaken "cramdown".
Now it's harder for homeowners to qualify
And adjust foreclosed mortgages to market prices.
You've helped the big banks keep fish bigger to fry.

And that financial reform group you brilliantly chaired
Allowed auto dealers to make questionable loans…
And derivatives trading to be over-the-counter…
Can one charlatan's loss affect the Dow Jones?

Bob Carlson
On Twitter @PBoondoggles

To 'Melissa Bean Concedes To Tea Party Favorite Joe Walsh'
To 'The New Democrats:
       The Coalition Pharma and Wall Street Love'

To 'New Democrat Coalition Loses Big in Midterms'
To 'Cramdown Vote: Banks Bought Senators On the Cheap'
To 'Blue Dog Democrats'
To 'The New Democrat Coalition'
To 'Bush Leage Bankers'
To 'Goldman Sachs'
To 'AIG's Debacles'
