Merrill's Janitors
Cleaning up with Bushie's bailout

A greedy bastard, wasn't he,
    our Merrill CEO,
Rewarding both himself and us
    with what wasn't his to blow.

First we snookered Stan O'Neal
    who cleaned up when he left –
Those millions that he took with him
    were hardly petty theft.

Then the Stock Exchange's Thain
    came in to sell us out.
And what he did to BofA –
    Ayn Rand's proud without a doubt.

But who'll get John's antique commode?
    Or his subprime bidet?
The former? Prob'ly Stan O'Neal.
    The latter? He won't say.

Greenspan was their Santa Claus
    and we were Alan's elves.
Like Madoff, John Thain and O'Neal,
    we've done quite well ourselves.

And, boy, do we deserve it!
    We'd quit if it should stop.
And don't try any 'clawbacks' or
    we'll sue and call a cop.

At Merrill Lynch we vultures
    never lived by Wall Street's rule.
"Eat what you kill" is nonsense –
    we eat carrion, you fool!

Bob Carlson

To 'Bank Robbers'
To 'Bush League Bankers'
To 'Bushie's Economic Meltdown'