Mike Whatley, Lobbyist
(ALEC's peddler of slime)

Is greedy Mike Whatley a KXL tout
With children and grandkids for whom he's not looking out?
Or is he planning to export them to a tar-free, planet Mars
With the money he makes plastering the U.S. with Alberta's tars?

Dare we hope Alberta's slime is inflammable enough
That if someone struck a match, it could burn in place,
Making Alberta ideal for toasting marshmallows
While saving the U.S. from becoming a basket case?

Do you suppose this same Mike Whatley invested
In marshmallow makers as well as Big Oil?
Yet Big Oil's convinced Whatley's not a tree hugger,
Or in danger of being considered a man of the soil.

Unless daddy's an arsonist, how can his children be proud?
Or aren't they allowed to express their feelings outloud?
What if living on Mars has little or no appeal?
Will Mike strike a match to show he gives a hoot how they feel?

Bob Carlson

To 'More Canada, Rogue Petrostate in Rhymed Verse'
To 'Foreign Policy Labels Canada ‘A Rogue, Reckless Petrostate’'
To 'Lac-Mégantic families prepare for the worst'
To 'More KXL Pipeline in Rhymed Verse'
To 'ALEC Tours Tar Sands, Works with Industry Groups
     to Block Low-Carbon Fuel Standards'

To 'More ALEC in Rhymed Verse'
To 'Obama surprises on Keystone in second-term climate speech'
To 'That's a light coming in through a crack in the KXL pipeline'
To 'People In ‘Safe’ Areas Becoming Ill From Exxon’s Mayflower Oil Spill'
To 'House supporters of KXL received $56m from fossil fuel industry '
To 'Exposed: Canadian Oil and Gas Workers, Many Unions,
     Now Oppose Keystone XL Pipeline'

To 'State Department Inspector General Investigating
     Keystone XL Contractor ERM’s Conflicts of Interest'

To 'More Big Oil's Mafia in Rhymed Verse'