Mister McSquish
McCain reassures his devotees
to Rodgers & Hammerstein"s "Hello, Young Lovers"
(Hello, young lovers, wherever you are)

You know, young suckers, we see eye to eye.
You think I mean what I say,
And prob'ly I did when I said it last night,
But often find I don't today.

Believe, young suckers. You know I don't lie.
I've found a "straight-talking" way.
I believe what I say for only as long
As my pandering seems to pay.

I lnow how it feels to fall into great deals,
To meet a rich heiress by chance,
Who immediately spots my changeable spots
Which she is prepared to finance.

And so, young suckers, I'll be what you wish –
Meat and potatoes, or fish.
Whatever flavor you're preferring tonight,
I'll be your favorite dish.
I've been around so long I've become
Ev'ryone's Mister McSquish.

Music by Richard Rodgers
Original Lyric by Oscar Hammerstein III
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'McCain's Voting Ploys'