Mitch Is Double Dealing Again
(Didn't all of his "rich'" donors see this coming?)

Do you know many "rich" folks whose taxes were cut?
Did they all create new jobs or just salt it away
By putting their new riches in ultra-safe Treasuries?
Standard and Poor's says they may rue the day.

Mitch convinced POTUS his "rich" need more tax breaks,
That more tax breaks for them would mean more jobs for us.
But is this his Nanny's scheme to make government smaller
And throw even more of us under the bus.

Mitch swears it's the one sure way to create more jobs.
"It worked well with Bushie. Let's try it again.
They'll be so thankful they'll find work for thousands.
Look what Sheen's done for 'Two and a Half Men'."

He created a road show with a cast of thousands?
Would Sheen put his tax breaks to such excellent use?
Or was he his usual conservative self,
Buying ultra-safe Treasuries? Is his screw that loose?

Sheen must have had some kind of weird premonition.
What drug is he using that's making his day?
Mitch is loyal to Norquist. They'll let the nation default!!!
How'd Charlie know that what Mitch giveth he taketh away?

Bob Carlson
On Twitter @PBoondoggles

To 'S&P: Investors could lose $100 billion if US rating downgraded'
To 'Nanny Norquist's Pledge Verses'
To 'Mitch Just-Say-No McConnell Verses<'
To 'Nanny Norquist's Congressional Pledgling Verses'
