Mitch Was Paid? Oh, My!
A disgusted voting public joins
The St. Louis Rivermen in their rendition of
"Mama's Gone Goodbye"

Oh, do tell. Mitch is quite the guy.
No need to pry. No need to spy.
For years he's made clear what's on his mind,
Making sure his party's left behind,
Can't get even, has no say; but why?

Show and tell? The man's a fool.
He's been "jammed" for it's no longer cool
To view everything as black or white
Over which he needs to fight.
All is well. Mitch was "jammed." Bulls-eye!

What the hell? Mitch was paid to lie?
Mud in your eye. A college try –
Those big Wall Street banks expressed their thanks,
Knowing Mitch would not break ranks.
A buck or two and they see eye-to-eye?
Tinker Bell? No wonder he's their guy.

Music & Original Lyric by Peter Bocage & A .J. Piron
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Mitch 'Just-Say-No' McConnell'
To 'McConnell: White House trying to 'jam' GOP'
To 'Obama: Rules Needed to Avoid New Financial Crisis'
To 'Peggy Lee sings "Mama's Gone Goodbye"'
To Lyrics for "Mama's Gone Goodbye"