"Mitt's Marlboro Kids"

(Romney Crippled Model Anti-Smoking Program In Massachusetts
in order to cut taxes for his 1%)

Send Mitt's kids some cigarettes for Christmas.
Please help keep his youngsters well supplied
In tribute to his kids' con artist daddy,
Who, with his anti-smoking pledges, lied.

Make sure that they're all addicted
Like the Massachusetts smokers he'd condemn
To a horrid death from cancer
With his stupid, selfish stratagem

To cut taxes for his one percent
(That's the wealthy one percent Mitt buys,
Which Mitt, Ann and their kids are all a part of)
That famous one percent for whom he lies.

Bob Carlson

To 'Mitt Romney Crippled Model Anti-Smoking
     Program In Massachusetts'

To 'Willard 'Scissorhands' Romney Verses'