Mitt's Wife Says He's A Liar

(To be sung to the tune "You Always Hurt The One You Love")

When Mitt is called for lying,
You'll hear his wife's Boo-hoo:
"Back in Massachusetts
That's what he used to do.

"Universal healthcare
Was never Willy's thing,
Although what's called Obamacare
Has a most familiar ring.

"He tells the world he's winning,
But he's claimed that before.
Is Mitt about to do to me
What Al has done to Tipper Gore?"

"The way Mitt blurts y'all has got,
A phoniness that really galls.
If so, he'll claim that it was not
Something he'd say, as he recalls.

"His lying's down to a fine art
And may well lead to his downfall;
So if he has a change of heart,
They'll still like him least of all."

Music & Original Lyric by Allan Roberts & Doris Fisher
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Dogging Mitt Romney By GAIL COLLINS
To 'Romney campaign says losing nomination
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To Bill Moyers: Freedom of and From Religion
To Andrew Sullivan: How Obama
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To 'Tales From the Kitchen Table' By GAIL COLLINS
To 'The Battle Behind the Fight' By GAIL COLLINS
To 'The Evolution of Birth Control'
To 'Hypocrite Mitt Romney Verses'