Mitt Can't Say What He Is, Ladies

(To be sung to the Noel Coward tune "Cosmopolitan Lady")

Mitt can't explain to you what he is, ladies.
What he is at the moment is a rich scaredy cat.
He's this and he's that at the drop of a hat,
While Democrats wait for Mitt to kersplat.

If what Mitt is now, is confusing him, ladies,
What if Ryan ran through all of our do re mi
And it dawned on folks he's another Bushie?

Think of Mitt's problems with what he would be.

Etch A Sketches aren't costly. In fact they are cheap.
It's Mitt's messages on them that can make one's flesh creep.
But is there nothing about Mitt's past and present
That warns if we see 'em, we'll read 'em and weep?

Why's he even discussing women's health issues?
Does he possibly know a little more about wealth?
But no, with five sons, he views contraception
As Dr. Mitt's way to a clean bill of health

Original Lyric & Music by Noel Coward
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Women Like Having Access to Contraception'
To 'George W. Bush: Barack Obama’s Best Friend
     in the 2012 Election'

To 'Mitt Romney Once Mocked John Kerry's Big House'
To 'Paul Ryan's Etch A Sketch Romney Verses'
To 'Republican Verses'