Moral Hazards
Setting lousy examples

The moral hazard's obvious
    if Geithner and Bernanke
Are left in charge to monitor
    Wall Street's hanky-panky.

It signals regulators that
    it's still OK to bungle
As long as they can get along
    with scofflaws of the jungle.

Look how both of them stood by
    till Greenspan's bubble burst –
While Angelo Mozilo
    and Bear Stearns did their worst.

Not until the conflagration
    peaked did Main Street learn
Their main concern was mitigating
    banker bonus burn.

Except for Lehman's Richard Fuld
    who wasn't as well liked.
But unlike Ms. Sanford's luv gov,
    their 'moral hazard' hiked.

Is that too much to hope for
    with Geithner and Bernanke,
Those devotees and champions
    of Wall Street hanky-panky?

Bob Carlson

To 'Bush League Bankers'
To 'Timid Timmy Geithner'