More Chinese, Please
Singing the Kander & Ebb tune
"I Move On" from "Chicago"
(When trukin' down the road of life…I just move on)

While bailed-out Wall Street croupiers
    are bilking whom they please,
        we eat Chinese,
And tell the world the reason for
    our Walmart shopping sprees
        is they sell Chinese, cheap Chinese.

Why does Congress second-guess
    reports of rising seas?
They're more upset when wind farms buy
    turbines made by the Chinese –

That those who profit most from all
    these green technologies
        are the Chinese,
Not those obsessed with goals about
    which none of them agrees,
        who still aren't ready to compete
            with "Ship Today!" Chinese…

Music by John Kander
Original Lyric by Fred Ebb
Alternate Lyric by Bob Carlson

To 'Environmental Policy'
To 'Beijing's Green Giant'