Mountain Top Rapists
Courtesy of Bank of America CEO, Ken Lewis

Will Bank of America
    stockholders choose to sue
All because Ken never said
    how Merrill Lynch would do?

Nor were they warned that Fenner,
    Pierce and Beane would prob'ly flinch
When word reached them Ken Lewis
    was who was buying Merrill Lynch,

Paying way too much for Merrill's
    mortgage loan nightmares
Just to boost the value of E. Stan
    O'Neal's illgotten shares.

We've heard Beane in particular
    was terribly upset
To find Ken's firm financing
    Dirty Coal's world warming debt.

Stockholders should have rid themselves
    of Lewis long ago.
The speculator in him can't stand
    our climate's status quo.

So Stan O'Neal bamboozling Ken
    could well be for the best.
With Kenny's Mountain Rapists broke,
    we might just save the rest.

Bob Carlson

To 'Bush League Bankers'
To 'Bushie's Economic Meltdown'
To 'Bushie's Environmental Policy'