MRIs In Texas
Are very lucrative

We've pretty much stopped MRIing
    roadkill on demand.
Obama's new drug czar has left us
    badly undermanned.

So what to do when you've a bunch
    of MRI machines?
Keep 'em on low settings and
    they're great on collard greens.

Irradiated radishes,
    in time, will lose their crunch
And make for a much quieter
    salad eating lunch.

And best of all each radish rates a
    separate MRI,
So reimbursements for an entire
    salad remain high.

This isn't something widely known
    to very many doctors,
Except us Texas MRI
    insurance fraud concocters.

So even with a public plan,
    Rahm swears that we won't get,
Our MRI investments are
    a helluva side bet.

Bob Carlson

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