"Murder Unlimitrd"

(Bankers with guns)

Breaking news: Administration
May be giving up on drones.

A drone's precise annihilation
Cannot compete with cheap car loans.

That's how banks train loan assistants,
Nothing down and years to pay.
Breaks down the terrorist's resistance;
Get him alone and make his day.

With silencer the job is done.
Who knew the banker had a gun?
With luck he's in and out of there.
Authorities? A terrorist? Who could care?

Back in the States:
Tell your banker with a gun
Your choices to be executed.
Surprise! No sooner said done.
Bankers don't get prosecuted.

Bob Carlson

To 'HSBC fine: what does it take for a bank to get prosecuted?'
To 'HSBC Exposed U.S. Financial System
     to Money Laundering, Drug, Terrorist Financing Risks'

To 'Reining in the Drone War'
To 'The NRA's Deadly Spin: "Arm the Good Guys"'
To 'More Bush League Banks and Bankers in Rhymed Verse'