"My Dog And I Are Very Close"

(Little Ogden is a big, big love)

My dog and I are very close.
He guards me like no other,
Which about describes how he
And I treat one another.

He's smart, he understands
Most everything I say,
From our first "Good morning, love"
To "It's time to hit the hay."

But what I don't understand
Is him window-sitting, looking out
And his constant "Woof, woof, woof."
What the heck is that about?

I try to tell him nothing's there,
Or, if there is, I, for one, can't see it.
So please to stop the low "Woof, woof."
If someone's there, so be it.

But still the "Woof, woof, woof" goes on
And that rascal won't translate
While I get up a thousand times
To see who's at the gate.

Oh, sure, it's darn good exercise,
But I often wish he'd quit,
Until I think how lonely life would be
Without him___
And all I did was sit.

Bob Carlson

To 'More Quality Of Life in Rhymed Verse'
To 'More Care of & Cruelty to Animals Verses'