Naked Shorts In The Family
Transparency is a Withington virtue

"There's little risk Tim will allow
    DTCC to squeal.
He's not the kind of Treasurer
    we had with Paul O'Neill.

"But as a Withington III
    I've news I must disclose:
Jim Cramer's learned my second-cousin's
    one of AIG's yo-yos,

"Whose wife admits that the've sold short
    AIG shares they 'don't got,'
And as the price has plummeted
    they've made an 'awsome lot.'

"So with the bonus Tim and Ben
    forgot to nix in time
They'll have plenty left to loan to banks
    at twenty over prime.

"As The New York Times Ross Sorkin
    now is advocating,
Let AIG reward their crooks –
    Our relatives are salivating."

Bob Carlson

To 'AIG's Debacle'
To 'CNBC's Credibility Crises'
To 'Naked Short Selling Verses'
To 'Timid Timmy Geithner'
To 'Withington Verses'